
Joyce Miller finds herself, once again, at a new crossroad in her life. She cannot have it both ways; she must choose. After working at the Lone Star Office Supply to feed her children and put them through college, Joyce finds herself torn between two powerful forces that drive her; her job and her life at home. Making yet another change in her life when she does not want to will teach her just where her heart lies. While she wrestles with her choices, she watches helplessly as her son wrestles with a struggle all his own

Mark McIntosh is positive he has his future all figured out; he plans to work as a veterinarian in his hometown of Garland, Texas, with the young woman he loves at his side. Setting out to put these plans into motions, he learns things not taught in the classroom.

Mark fell in love with Laura almost the moment he saw her. Spending every moment possible together would surely give their love the needed opportunity to grow and deepen; it was just a matter of time before he would make her his wife. Unfortunately, it is not long before Mark discovers an unfaithfulness that rips his world apart. How could something so right go so wrong?

Fresh out of college, Mark finds himself fighting a battle within himself up in the beautiful mountains of Fort Davis, Texas. It is while he is there surrounded by breathtaking mountain scenery that he finds exactly where his heart lies. The people he finds there become his dear friends and help tech him this important lesson.

Will Mark leave the safe haven he has found with these people and go back home to face reality? Or will he hide from his problems forever?

Once again, join the McIntosh/Miller family as they continue to live and love on the Southern Star Ranch in Garland, Texas. It is here they learn about life and the love they have for one another, and most importantly, of their Heavenly Father’s love.

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